The Chakra system is an ancient concept that dates back thousands of years, with the term "Chakra" derived from the Sanskrit word meaning "wheel." In yogic traditions, there are seven primary Chakras that serve as energy centres in the body. When these Chakras are not in harmony, it can result in feelings of confusion and various physical discomforts.
When your Chakras are misaligned, it indicates they aren't functioning at their best. Each energy centre requires proper care and focus to maintain balance. Essentially, you need to invest time and effort to energise your Chakras. Before diving into this work, it's helpful to recognise the signs and symptoms of an imbalance or a Chakra that may be underactive.
An imbalance in your Chakras can show up in many different ways, affecting you physically, emotionally, and mentally. When Chakras are underactive, they can lead to specific feelings and sensations in the body.
Signs of imbalance may include:
- Blurred vision
- Confusion or disorientation
- Dizziness or a sense of spinning
- Feelings of fear, anxiety, or panic
- Lightheadedness or faintness
- Numbness
- Pain
- Muscle compensation
- Headaches
- Attachment to material possessions
For underactive chakras, you might experience:
- Being underweight
- Feelings of depression
- Low energy or lethargy
- A fear of change
- Neglecting your own needs
- A sense of not fitting in
- Difficulty with discipline or setting boundaries
- A feeling of heaviness
- Discomfort
- Bodily pain
The Crown Chakra, also known as Sahasrara, is located at the very top of your head. This majestic Chakra is linked to your consciousness and allows you to rise above your spiritual existence, connecting you with higher energies. When this Chakra is activated, you will gain a deeper awareness of your place in the Universe.
Imbalance Symptoms:
- Endlessly seeking spiritual guidance without success
- Difficulty in understanding others' viewpoints
- Struggling with decision-making
Underactive Chakra Symptoms:
- Feeling spiritually detached
- Adopting extreme spiritual beliefs
- Being easily influenced by those around you.
The Third Eye Chakra, also known as Ajna, is often associated with heightened intuition. If you feel a tingling sensation, it might be a sign that your Third Eye is awakening. Positioned between your eyebrows, this Chakra serves as a bridge between the physical realm and the spiritual one. It's the centre of your psychic abilities, so maintaining its balance is essential for enhancing your intuition and connecting with your higher self.
Signs of Imbalance:
- Confusion
- Feeling disconnected
- Lack of focus
- Narrow-mindedness
Symptoms of an Underactive Chakra:
- Weak memory
- Questioning your intuition
- Making the same errors repeatedly.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
The Throat Chakra is your source of expression and communication. When this chakra is activated, you’ll find yourself confidently sharing your truth and making a strong impact. As you harmonise the energy in this chakra, you’ll improve your public speaking skills and discover a newfound ability to express your thoughts and emotions clearly. This chakra is located in the area of your throat, just as you might expect.
Signs of Imbalance:
- Hesitating to speak your truth
- Feeling silenced
- Struggling to share your thoughts or emotions
- Experiencing social anxiety
- Sensing that you’re overlooked
Signs of Underactivity:
- Being shy
- Dreading public speaking
- Having difficulty in communication
- Feeling like others don’t understand you.
The Heart Chakra, located in the middle of your chest, serves as the centre for your loving and compassionate energy. It acts as a bridge between the lower and upper Chakras. When this Chakra is energised, you will experience an increase in self-love and enhance your capacity to love and receive love. Nurturing this Chakra with the care it deserves will deepen your connections with yourself and those around you.
Signs of Imbalance:
Unresolved grief
Difficult relationships
Overly generous with love
Disconnected from loved ones
Difficulty empathising with others
Symptoms of an Underactive Chakra:
Challenges in finding love
Deficiency in self-love
Distrust towards others
Difficulty forming deep connections with people.
The Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as Manipura, is your gateway to unlocking your personal power. This energy centre is linked to your inner strength and serves as the foundation of your self-confidence. By connecting with it, you can enhance your sense of empowerment and attract greater success in both your personal and professional life. You can locate this Chakra just above your belly button.
Signs of Imbalance:
- Anger
- Low self-esteem
- Easily irritated and reactive
- Feelings of self-loathing
Signs of Underactivity:
- A sense of being victimised
- Low confidence levels
- Doubts about oneself
- Feelings of unworthiness
The Sacral Chakra, also known as Svadhisthana, is where your sexual energy and instinctual drives reside. This chakra is the source of your positive feelings like pleasure, joy, and passion, and it plays a vital role in your creative expression. It embodies your inner divine energies, both feminine and masculine, and is located in your reproductive organs.
Signs of Imbalance:
- Feelings of guilt or shame
- Engaging in self-sabotage
- Difficulty in embracing pleasure
Signs of Underactivity:
- Feeling numb during intimate moments
- Issues like impotence or infertility
- A noticeable drop in your ‘mojo’
- Health problems related to your reproductive system.
The Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine and is the final chakra in the system. It plays a crucial role in managing the fight or flight response and is the first chakra to form during fetal development. This chakra empowers you with confidence and resilience, equipping you to face any obstacles that life throws at you.
Signs of Imbalance:
- Dizziness
- A sense of danger or uncertainty
- Restlessness
- Low energy
- Anger
- Resentment
Signs of Underactivity:
- Feeling detached from reality
- A sense of victimhood
- Depression
- Distrust or weariness towards others.
Reiki works to clear blockages that hinder the flow of energy, paving the way for healing to begin at a cellular level. When all the Chakras are open and clear, an individual’s mental, physical and emotional or spiritual health can achieve a harmonious balance.
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